Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Escape from the gym

I got my hike done today. After all the blather yesterday about the wonders of a health club membership one would think that I would run right back to the gym today. It's not that I dislike my club, it's just that the TVs there can't compete with the little creek up Beus Canyon, the spring in Taylor Canyon, the views accross the lake from the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. I could go on. I took this picture today of Beus Creek today. It won't really tell you the whole story of the canyon though. You can't hear the trickle of the water or smell the oak leaves turning into soil. I'd rather hike than eat.

When I hike this time of year I like to go at lunch time. I leave the office in So. Ogden and within 5-10 minutes, I'm on the trail. I hike up (!) for 30 minutes. Then I come down. Because the trails are kind of steep (!), I can return in 20 minutes or so. I eat my lunch in the car while driving back to the office. The whole process takes about an hour. I realize most folks don't have this kind of middle-of-the-day flexibility. Some parks or businesses have walking tracks outside. My wife works at McKay-Dee Hospital and they have one. Hill AF Base has a big one. And in Roy, where I live, there are several in the parks. There are also river parkways and the old D&RG railroad line is being converted to a trail. These are perhaps not as rustic and pleasant as the foothill and canyon trails, but they beat an elliptical machine all to pieces. I think so anyway. And many are lighted in the evening and so can be safely used at night; especially if you go in a crowd.

I have a membership to a health club and I like it. But it would be a shame to get my money's worth most of the time.

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